Our carpet cleaning family thanks you!
We make it no secret that our carpet cleaning company is a family owned and operated local business that emphasizes a quality customer experience. So, it should come as no surprise that we hold our public service providers in such high esteem. Whether you are a first responder or an educator, we greatly value your contribution to our society and specifically the Orlando, Orange County and Seminole County divisions. Police, Military and Firefighters place their lives on the line daily to put others first. Teachers at all levels spend their precious time shaping the leaders of tomorrow. Most of these selfless jobs do not come with the highest salary or public respect that is deserved. But, citizens like us and companies like ours can do our part to show our admiration, respect and appreciation for their contribution to our society. Our residential carpet cleaning company offers a discount to all public service providers, just click here for your coupon code! It is our way of saying thank you to the important people who sacrifice for us!

The United States of America is home to the largest military force in the world, The United States Military. There are roughly 1.5 million American Citizens currently serving in our armed forces. That is about 541 thousand in the Army, 333 thousand in the Air Force, 317 thousand in the Navy, 195 thousand in the Marine Corps. There are also about 818 thousand Armed Forces Reserves currently serving, including 342 thousand Army National Guard members.

The owners father has been in the Army branch of the United States Military for over three decades and is currently a ranking Warrant Officer (W4). He is extremely proud of his father for his accomplishments and the service he has provided this great country. Him and every other one of these brave soles give us something to look up to and be proud of. The safety and security of every single American Citizen, as well as the innocent who need protecting around the world can feel safe in the fact that these amazing heroes are here to help. Our respect for the men and women who put their lives on the line to protect us by serving in the United States Military is unmeasured! Thank you to all service people! These military members have protected our rights and kept our way of life and safety in good standings since the inception of our country and we are most grateful for them
Without education, there can be no future. That is a statement we truly believe in. Luckily, we have wonderful men and women across this great nation that dedicate their lives to providing the education needed to succeed. A mind is continuously molded throughout one’s life. If it were not for these amazing teachers being the hands that mold, we would be a lost species, simply trying to survive. Education gives us the ability to learn from our past, to adapt and grow based on what is best for the survival and advancement of all people on this planet. Being a teacher is a sacrificial job. Any given teacher could just go to work each day and simply earn a paycheck. Instead, these amazing educators sacrifice their free time and find encouragement and motivation in the fact that they are positively changing the lives of the next generation. Teachers are the foundation on which the future is built!

It should seem pretty clear by now, as to why we have as much respect and admiration as we do for these amazing first responders and educators. We know that many of you feel the same way. Many of you have relatives who are serving or who have served. Many of you have family or friends who are teachers at various levels of education. You folks probably know exactly what we mean we we say Thank You to all these great people do for others! If you yourself are one of these brave and amazing women or men, please accept our most sincere gratitude for all they you do for us! Thanks again from our family to yours!
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